
Always updated via Oris Academy

Through Oris Academy, we aim to offer valuable, forward-looking and inspiring courses for the entire dental team at all times, which is why we are constantly working to further develop our course offering. The value "always up to date" should be as indicative of us as a provider as it is of what each individual experiences when attending our courses.

Kursene vi beslutter å ha som base hver sesong trykkes både i vår fysiske kurskatalog og publiseres på disse sidene i Q4 hvert år. Basert på løpende innspill og ønsker tilføyer vi også aktuelle kurs og webinarer gjennom året, så følg gjerne med.

Do you belong toa clinic outside Oris Dental and want to receive the course catalog physically? Send an e-mail to

Our trainers

At Oris Dental, we are fortunate enough to have a treasure trove of skilled, dedicated trainers. From specialists, general dentists, dental hygienists and secretaries, to technical experts on Opus, for example. Our partners are also generous in sharing their expertise on current trends and techniques.

We want to hear from you

It is important for us to keep our finger on the pulse of what skills both Oris Dental employees and other professionals want to acquire at any given time. We would like to hear from you, so please send an email with your input and wishes to